It’s Friday the 13th. Are You Ready for it?

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Yesterday, the new water heater was installed. Tomorrow, the A/C guy is coming to give us a bid. My hope is that today, Friday the 13th, nothing breaks or goes wrong.

I am picking up Tess at the airport late tonight and I am seriously anticipating a flat tire on the way to the airport! If it does happen, I figure I’ll be mentally prepared, and if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be ecstatically happy! After 47 years of never really being superstitious, I am now one of those people!

Tess will be here for a nice long weekend visit! She will be here until Tuesday and I can hardly wait! We are celebrating a belated Mother’s Day all day Saturday at Boulevardia, a Beer and Food Fest in the West Bottom’s. If you know us together, this comes as no surprise. There is even an App that we were able to download so we can rate our beer’s and make notes!


Sunday will be full of Father’s day festivities.

Monday will be a great “Chill Day”.

I’m really excited for her to be coming home for a few days!


I hope you all have an awesome weekend and a lucky Friday the 13the with a Full Moon! 🙂

Here are yesterday’s eats….

I had popcorn, one beer and one glass of wine for dinner. Not recommended.



Light English Muffin

4 Egg Whites, 1 Slice of 2% Cheese, Salsa

1/8 Avocado smashed with Lime Juice and Sea Salt


Coffee with Frothy Skim Milk





2 Corn Tortilla’s, Shredded Chicken Breast

2 Wedges Laughing Cow Cheese

I put them in the microwave for about 20 seconds, rolled them up, and dipped them in salsa,













Veggie’s, 1 oz. Chicken, 1 T. Tzatziki Sauce





I went with a girlfriend to listen to her nephew and his jazz band. Before she picked me up, I ate a small bag of light popcorn. While listening to the T.J. Martley Trio, I had half of a beer, and a glass of wine.

13 PPV


Weight Watcher’s Points Plus

I can eat 26 PPV a day.

I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.

I have an allowance of 49 extra points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s


Breakfast = Breakfast Sandwich, Coffee with skim milk (7)

Lunch = Corn Tortilla, Cheese, Chicken (6)

Snack = Orange, Almonds, Veggies, Chicken, Tzatziki (5)

Dinner = Popcorn, Beer, Wine (13)

Total = 31

Exercise = Ran ONE mile

How many glasses of water I drank = 6

Activity Points Earned for the Day = 2

Activity Points Earned This Week = 25

Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 4

Alcohol Consumption = One Beer, One Glass of Wine



 “love the life you live, live the life you love”

4 thoughts on “It’s Friday the 13th. Are You Ready for it?

  1. Tricia….too funny. I feel like I talk about Tess all the time, and sometimes forget to say….”Tess, my daughter, . . . .” Yes, she is my 22 year old daughter, and one of my best bud’s! She moved to Dallas a little over a year ago when she graduated from college and took a job with Southwest Airlines. We try to see each other about once a month, but it’s been TWO month’s! Too LONG!! We’re super excited for our long weekend together!

    I LOVE avocado’s!! When I cut into one, I usually am only using a 1/4 of it. I leave the seed in the remainder of it (or the half anyhow) and put it in a sealed container with whatever it left. When I use it next (usually that day or the next day) I just thinly slice off any brown. It’s usually just a really thin layer, and I hardly end of throwing any of it away. An really, it isn’t BAD. . . it’s just brown, (and you can eat it brown if you want to), but like I said, I just use a good sharp knife, and slice that little brown part right off!

    Hope that helps you to eat a little more avocados!

    Have a great and Healthy weekend!!!


  2. Questions: Who’s Tess? Is she a daughter, a friend, a sister? WHO?!?! 😉 And…I see that you eat avocado pretty regularly. Is there a secret to keeping it “good” after you cut into it? I always end up throwing the unused portion away–so I rarely buy them. Have a GREAT weekend!!

  3. Thanks Kris! I always love your comments! Here’s to a healthy weekend. 🙂

  4. Have a great weekend! Thanks for showing us that we can go out and have a ” normal” evening and still stay on program!

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