Great Girly Time!

This Week’s Food and Fitness Goals

My plan for this week is to walk 20 miles, and keep my daily points for the rest of the week at 30 or less.


It’s been a really great two days. Friday started off with great results at the scale at my Weight Watchers meeting. I was down 4 pounds from last week! I knew that I had planned well, drank lots of water, and did a good job of tracking what I ate, and I didn’t do any mindless snacking. I had weighed each morning, so I knew it was going to be a good weigh in. I know I won’t lose 4 pounds a second week in a row, but here’s to another successful week!

I had plans to spend the day and evening with a girlfriend, so I tried to eat low point options that would keep me full, and allow for a nice dinner and wine without eating too many points for the day.

We had a great day of shopping in the West Bottoms!

After shopping, we were headed to dinner, but instead we found ourselves looking out over the Downtown Airport, sitting on a park bench, sipping on a bottle of wine that my friend Renee had packed! She had spotted one of these “drink cases” while we were shopping and yelled, “That’s what I brought our wine in!” I had no idea…..



We literally sat there and watched planes land, and watched the sunset through this big metal fence on the side of big hill!



It was beautiful!



We went to dinner, and called it a night, only to go back on Saturday so Renee could pick up the furniture that she bought!

I found some awesome things to put in my new bedroom!

This was $6.50. So simple and cute!



I bought a little ladder, and decided to put it on the front porch! Then I spent $1000 on pumpkins! 



This was ridiculous and scary and I have no idea who would buy it???? Why is this here????



I thought this was super clever! It was an entire collection of old gas cans and propane tanks that someone decided to repurpose and make Halloween decorations out of!



There’s even a hole in the back so you can put a candle in it! This one was my favorite.


My friend, Renee, is going to a  “Retro” themed bridal shower soon, and I thought she was going to die when she found this!

It is very sparkly!! White go-go boots and she is good to go! Yes, she actually did buy it!



On Saturday we took full advantage of the food trucks too!



We enjoyed a Gyro for lunch, and shared some Egg Rolls!



I bought these “B”‘s, and I can’t wait to give them to a friend of mine that is collecting them!


 It was a great girly weekend of shopping!

Here are the eats for the last two days….. 


1 Egg, 3 Egg Whites


Black Coffee





A Gigantic Honeycrisp Apple





Appetizer of Kale Hummus and Carrots

1/2 Quinoa and Sweet Potato Burger, Fries


26 PPV




5 Egg Whites, Cheese, Fruit





Gyro, 1 Egg Roll

20 PPV



We shared these Egg Rolls, I had one.




 Cooked Sweet Potato, Diced

Red Onion and Zucchini, Chopped.

I sauté those three in a bit of Olive Oil,

then top with 2 Eggs and Chopped Avocado

10 PPV



Weight Watcher’s Points Plus

I can eat 26 PPV a day.

I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.

I have an allowance of 49 extra points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s



Breakfast = Eggs, Fruit (3)

Lunch =  Apple (0)

Dinner = 1/2 Sweet Potato Quinoa Burger, Fries, Hummus, Veggies, Wine (26)

Total = 29



Breakfast = Egg Whites, Fruit (3)

Lunch = Gyro, Egg Roll (20)

Dinner = Veggies, Eggs, Avocado (10)

Total = 33


Exercise = Walked 2 Miles Friday, Shopped all Day Saturday

Activity Points Earned This Week = 2

Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 39


“love the life you live, live the life you love”