Happy Saturday!

I left my house at 9:00 am yesterday morning and got home just before 7:00 pm last night. That being said, I did NOT drink all of my water for fear of not being able to find a bathroom in time, and I did not get a workout in. I’m not making excuses, but facts is facts! Wait…what do you mean get up earlier? Yeah, yeah…I know.

Lot’s going on this Easter weekend. I’m taking my Little Sis, Samone, to the West Bottoms today in Kansas City for a day of browsing through some fun shops and hitting up a few Food Truck’s for lunch! There’s going to be 20 or so to chose from!

Mike and I are going out to eat with my dad and stepmom for dinner tonight, so I’ll need to chose wisely today to stay within my 26 points! That can be tough when eating two meals out for the day!

We have two meals planned with family tomorrow too, so the weekend will be a challenge! I’m in the zone, so I plan to get through the food challenges with success!

Here are yesterday’s eats…..I’m trying to only eat 26 Points a day all month and not dip into those 49 Weekly Points!


Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal

Scrambled Egg Whites, Salsa

Black Coffee


1/2 C Quick Cooking Oats


2 T. PB2 

3/4 Boiling water

Perfect every time.




Pork with Aioli


I was working at the Food Truck yesterday, so to avoid eating too much food that would be high in points for lunch, I had a big breakfast right before I left the house. When the other girls decided to have a bite, I couldn’t resist the pork. It’s one of my favorite things that we have on the food truck. All of the homemade sauces are amazing as well. This picture is giant, I know, but that fork is smaller than your average fork, so this really wasn’t much, but oh so good!



1/4 Roadhouse Burger at the Food Truck


Later, we had a burger that we had made by mistake, so we shared it. I had 1/4 of it and called it 8 PPV. The burgers are giant and I have looked up a restaurant burger before and found that some can be around 30 points. These are amazing burgers. The  buns are buttered and grilled and there is mayo and cheese on this one, so 8 points for only 1/4 of a burger is likely pretty accurate.

Damn it was good.




1/3 C. (74 g) Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt

Strawberries, Banana Slices






Egg White Omelet

Peppers and Onions cooked in 1 tsp Olive Oil

1/8 C (14 g) Shredded 2% Cheddar

1/4 (30 g) Small Avocado, Salsa

Two Fruit Cups


I only had 4 points left come dinner time, and I really want to try to NOT dip into my 49 Weekly points this month. I thought I was pretty creative with dinner! I seasoned my peppers and onions with Chili Powder and Cumin, so I had a little Mexican thing going on with my omelet. I weighed ONE point of cheese, and I weighed ONE point of avocado. I put a little of the veggies and cheese inside the omelet and added the rest to the top. Dinner was super satisfying and I kept to my 26 points!


Weight Watcher’s Points Plus

I can eat 26 PPV a day.

I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.

I have an allowance of 49 extra points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.


My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s

Breakfast = PB Oatmeal, Egg Whites (6)

Lunch = Food Truck Pork and 1/4 Burger (15)

Snack = Yogurt and Fruit (1)

Dinner = Omelet and Fruit (4)

Total = 26


Exercise = PT only

Activity Points Earned for the Day = I’m thinking PT doesn’t really count, but it does take about 20 minutes!

Activity Points Earned This Week = 0

Activity Points Remaining This Week = 0

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 50…Bummer here, limited bathroom access!

Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 49



This is What I Will Accomplish in 2015

I will choose one occasion per month for Social Drinking (um…this is a work in progress)
I will go no more than two days in a row without exercise. 
I will track every single day for the entire year. No matter what. I’ll track if I eat 26 points, I’ll track if I eat 76 points.
I will RUN in a minimum of six 5K’s. One down…..5 to go!


“love the life you live, live the life you love”