Feeling Good……

We celebrated Easter with our kids and our grandkids last weekend, but Mike and I still had lots planned for yesterday that included two Easter Meals and a long drive. Mike has been sick all week, so we changed up our plans and we slept in yesterday. We had breakfast at home, chilled most of the day so he could get some rest, then we went to my mom’s for dinner. Since our plans changed a little, my food challenges were easier to tackle and I had time for a nice walk outside!

I’m trying to stick to 26 points a day this month, and I finished the day with 30. Not too bad for a Holiday.

I started off my morning with my Frothy Coffee in Pink for 1 Point.

I made an Egg White Veggie Omelet with a little Cheese and Avocado with a big bowl of fruit at around 11:00 for 5 Points.

For a snack, (or lunch, I guess) I had an apple and a banana with a dash of cinnamon for 0 points.

Then…Easter Dinner of Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad, and a Deviled Egg for 15 Points.

After my meal, I was really looking forward to the cute little eggs that I had made on Saturday night and had thought about all day yesterday. I poured myself a cup of coffee, and prepared for dessert! I had one of my cookies and an unplanned brownie for a total of 8 Points. Then I had 10 jelly beans for 1 point while we sat around the dinner table chatting.


I had asked my mom what the menu was, so I had completely planned out my meal and entered it into my tracker before going to her house. I wasn’t quite at 26 points, so I had a few to spare for the unexpected. With the deviled egg, the brownie and the jelly beans, I went over on my points just a wee bit, but I’m feeling super successful about my weekend!


Weight Watcher’s Points Plus

I can eat 26 PPV a day.

I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.

I have an allowance of 49 extra points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s


Breakfast = Egg White Omelet, Fruit, Frothy Coffee (6)

Lunch = Apple, Banana (0)

Dinner = Ham, Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad, Deviled Egg, sweets (24)

Total = 30


Exercise = Walked 3.5 Miles

Activity Points Earned for the Day = 4

Activity Points Earned This Week = 4

Activity Points Remaining This Week = 4

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 60

Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 45


This is What I Will Accomplish in 2015

I will choose one occasion per month for Social Drinking (um…this is a work in progress)
I will go no more than two days in a row without exercise.
I will track every single day for the entire year. No matter what. I’ll track if I eat 26 points, I’ll track if I eat 76 points.
I will RUN in a minimum of six 5K’s. One down, 5 to go!



“love the life you live, live the life you love”

4 thoughts on “Feeling Good……

  1. I had a bottle of wine to take to my mom’s, then I talked myself out of it. I’m not sure how….ha ha.

    26 Points a day this week!!!

    We can do it!

  2. Today is a new day…..and it’s MONDAY! The best day for a new start! One day at a time girl. One day at a time. And if need be, one meal at a time.


  3. I’d say that was a very successful Easter Day! I went way over with keeping portions small (damn wine)! I am determined to keep at 26 points a day this week! Have a great week- Anna

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