Happy Thanksgiving…Number One

Short blog post today. Lot’s to do this morning. I’ll be picking up my daughter and her boyfriend late tonight at the airport and they will be here until late Sunday evening. We pretty much have something planned for each day, so I’m taking a break from the blog until Monday morning so I can spend lots of quality time with my kiddo.

Thanksgiving and extra people in the house can be a real food challenge, but I’ll do my best to drink lots of water and not graze! Other than just a few small bites, we still haven’t reintroduced grains, dairy or sugar, and we are going to try and stay clear of those through the Holidays. 

Mike was faced with a plate of cookies at his office yesterday for the entire day, and he called on his way home from work to tell me he didn’t have one! Apparently they were so close to him throughout the day, he could smell them. He also forgot his lunch, and ate lunch out for the first time in almost 40 days! He ate a safe lunch. I love hearing him talk about the changes that he has made and how he good he feels about it.

After telling me that he passed on the cookies…..all day long…..I had to tell him how I looked at the Mac and Cheese all day yesterday while working at the Food Truck. I really wanted just a bite! It was cool and rainy all day here yesterday, and that weather makes me want a big bowl of warm yummy food, but I didn’t go there.

Yes, it is just as creamy and as cheesy in real life as it looks in this picture I took yesterday.



Here are yesterday’s eats….

Breakfast – 7 PPV

Pancakes are not allowed in the 30 days of Whole30, even though you can make pancakes using Whole30 compliant foods. Yesterday, for the first time since completing the whole30, I made one of the pancakes that I used to make, but left out any sweetener that I’d used in the past. Apparently, leaving sugar and artificial sweeteners out of your diet, really does help you to appreciate the natural sweetness of fruit, because I really liked this and I didn’t need any additional sweetener.

Two Eggs, One Smashed Banana. Mix and pour onto hot griddle or skillet. This makes 4-5 thin pancakes. I topped these with 1 T. Sunflower Butter and had berries on the side.



Lunch – 8 PPV

Pork and Pickles at the Food Truck



Dinner – 15 PPV

Click HERE for the Paleo Meatloaf recipe that I made last night. I’ve made it twice now since we started doing Whole30. It’s one pound of beef and one pound of pork and it’s held together with Almond Meal instead of bread crumbs. 8 servings is 9 PointsPlus according to her website. Love it!



I also made a side dish using Butternut Squash, Pecans, Bacon and Maple Syrup. It was an experiment for our Thanksgiving Dinner here this Saturday. Click HERE for that recipe. I used frozen chunks of Squash, which turned into mush, so it does not look like the picture on the website at all, but still, we both loved this recipe!



Weight Watcher’s Points Plus

I can eat 26 PPV a day.

I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.

I have an allowance of 49 extra points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s


Breakfast = 7

Lunch = 8

Dinner = 15

Total = 30


Exercise = None. You knew that though.

Activity Points Earned for the Day = 0

Activity Points Earned This Week = 0

Activity Points Remaining This Week = 3

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 100! yay!

Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 22


This is What I Will Accomplish in 2015

I will choose one occasion per month for Social Drinking (um..this is a work in progress)

I will go no more than two days in a row without exercise. (I’ve done “two a day’s” to make up, and slacking lately)

I will track every single day of the entire year. (I’ve only NOT tracked a few weekends this year.)

I will not be tracking my food while doing the Whole30.

I will run in a minimum of six 5K’s. Five down, One to go!


Have a Great Weekend!


“love the life you live, live the life you love”