Normalcy and Great Food!

Yesterday life felt like it was back to normal. Yay! We ate three great meals. I drank all of my water. I knocked several things off of my “To Do List” and I walked 3 miles on the treadmill at an incline.

After the treadmill, I showered and dressed as though I was leaving the house. I never do that. After a workout, I typically spend the rest of the day in my workout clothes, or if I have no plans, I shower and put on PJ’s. It felt good to get dressed. I feel like when I’m trying to pull myself out of a slump, getting dressed as though I’m going out can help. It did.

I put some music on outside, made myself an Iced glass of LaCroix and sat under the umbrella while I grilled a Flank Steak.




The steak was amazing! 6 minutes on each side. Perfect every time.



That is all for now. I’m out the door soon to work at the Food Truck!

Have a great day!

Here are yesterday’s eats…

Breakfast – 6 SP

Egg White Omelette filled with Zucchini, Onions, Bell Peppers and a few Pork Sausage Crumbles. Tomatoes and Cantaloupe from the roadside stand. Both were so juicy and good!



Lunch – 5 SP

Leftover Chicken Cacciatore from the Whole30 book, (I used Chicken Breast) topped with a little Nutritional Yeast.



Dinner – 12 SP

Steak Salad with Creamy Garlic Vinaigrette using this Marinade and a Flank Steak. Such a yummy and easy salad and one of my favorites from Trina over at Paleo Newbie. 


These are my 2016 Goals

Make time each week to Meal Plan
Drink 100 ounces of water each day
Exercise 5 days a week
Three Meals and One Snack, Daily

I can eat 30 SmartPoints a day.

I have an allowance of 35 extra Weekly Points that I can dip into throughout the week if I choose.

My Weight Watcher Week Begins on Friday’s


Breakfast = 6

Lunch = 5

Dinner = 12

Total = 23


Exercise = Walked 3 Miles on the treadmill

FitPoints Earned = 7

How many ounces of water I drank for the day = 100


“love the life you live, live the life you love”

6 thoughts on “Normalcy and Great Food!

  1. that flank steak looks delish! all dressed up and definitely some place to go … there is no place like home (IMHO) =) ronda

  2. Yes, feeling like myself again. Join me Nancy! 🙂

    The furniture is comfy, and I actually had a bit of a breeze just long enough to grill that flank steak! Thank goodness!

  3. You’re getting back on track and I need to do the same thing.
    Was at school today for 2 1/2 hours.
    My body needs some work before August 11.
    Although that porch furniture looks really comfortable.
    I admire you being out in the heat grilling.

  4. Thank you Laura! What a sweet comment to come home to. Thank you for reading!

    Have a great rest of the week!

  5. I love reading your blog! You’re an inspiration for me. I also love the upbeat and optimistic attitude! Thank you for making me smile 🙂

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