Shopping, Snowing, Smiling

Yesterday was the first day that I’ve done any Christmas shopping (except for a few things that I recently bought online). We are celebrating Christmas here on December 17th!! I’m scroooged. (cracking myself up) I gotta get busy! I’ve got a menu to plan, stockings to stuff, presents to buy and wrap! I have a feeling that no Christmas Cards will go out this year. How is it that the time goes by so dang fast???

I left the house at 7:30 am and came home around 6:00 pm. I got a lot done, loved my day of shopping and sipping on hot tea while I drove around, and to make it all just a bit more festive, we had our first snow flake. They were small, but I liked the feel of the snow flakes falling and I was feeling the Christmas spirit.



While shopping, would you believe that I found a Barbie Food Truck?? Yesterday was my food truck bosses birthday, so I sent her this picture. I pondered buying it for her, but who am I kidding? I would love this WAY more than she would. I didn’t buy it, but I might go back.  The grandkids need to learn Gigi’s food truck order taker skills!!


Besides getting lots of presents bought, I also met my dad and aunt for coffee. 

It was a great day that ended watching Hairspray Live! Did anyone watch? I loved it! I smiled all night long.


Okay, off to do a little more Weight Watcher training. So much to learn!

Here are yesterday’s eats…

Breakfast – 8 SP

First Watch Breakfast Taco’s…No Cheese, Egg Whites



Lunch – 7 SP

These come in handy on the road! I did not take a picture, but I had the Pumpkin Spice. I love them all so far.



Afternoon Snack – 2 SP

I ran home to let the dogs out and finished off the fish and broccoli from the night before.



Dinner – 12 SP

One of my skillet meals that I have no idea what I am making until it is on the plate.

Browned some ground Turkey with onions, celery and carrots. Added tomato paste and broth and seasonings and diced Sweet Potato. Mike loved it and I thought that it was….fine.



“love the life you live, live the life you love”

7 thoughts on “Shopping, Snowing, Smiling

  1. Hi Kendra,

    As I was reading your comment, I thought I had already posted today’s post! It’s like you read my mind! I just posted all of the things that I am NOT doing this year. lol.

    I do have a friend that sends out a Happy New Year card. Would that ease your mind? You’ve likely already got your cards planned out, but just a thought to help in one area. If you already have them done, maybe next year you can add that to your list of things to do after Jan. 1? That way everyone still gets to see Lucy!

    I love that you got to the mall early to shop! Not THAT I would like! Great idea!

    I feel like we are the exact same person when it comes to sugar and the cookies and sweets. It is a huge struggle for me, especially this time of the year. I wish I had the magic answer for you. I am much more successful when I skip it all together. Saturday will be hard because my mom is bringing her Pumpkin Bread (I could eat several loaves!) along with several varieties of cookies and her cookies are soft and so good. My plan is to track every single item and stay within my points, so hopefully knowing what I am eating will help me to stay on track.

    Will your husband be supportive of you skipping the baking this year? It sounds like you already know that not baking those items would work for you. If you told him your struggles and your concerns of a binge, he just might understand and be okay with skipping those items this year to support you. Let me know what you decide.

    Merry Christmas!

    Thanks for sticking with me!


  2. Hi Julie, I know exactly what you mean about not being ready for Christmas! I am the biggest procrastinator! And it just gets worse every year! Ugh! I debated not doing Christmas cards but now have decided that I can’t abandon that tradition as so many people look forward to seeing the picture of our dog Lucy! So now I’m scrambling on multiple fronts! I did go to the mall the other day, it opened at 7AM and no one seemed to know that! It was awesome to have the stores all to myself. I have to say, I still do like the nostalgia of shopping, but I also like Amazon. They make it too darn easy! I’m so proud of you for making your dream of becoming a WW instructor a reality! That is so awesome! You have inspired so many! I just wish I shared your love for cooking! I get so nervous in the kitchen and hosting people just stresses me…. You must be crazy busy this week getting ready for your family Christmas this weekend! I’m having all kinds of challenges this week as there are so many parties and baked goods. The Christmas cookies are all just calling my name. I keep telling myself that it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing thing but limiting myself to one cookie is just not realistic for me. The hubs (love how you call your hubs that too) keeps asking me to bake at least the peanut butter blossoms and the magic bars , but it’s such a slippery slope for me….I wish I didn’t struggle with food like this. Honestly, I’m scared of going into a binge cycle and sugar is always the trigger that sends me there. I’ve come so far over the past year that I just don’t want a “setback”. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated! Hope you have a great day!

  3. I love my evenings with my hot tea. Have I ever mentioned that I crawl in bed every night with a cup of hot tea and play three games of Sudoku?? I am an old woman!!


    Are you done shopping???

  4. You know I JUST might go back and buy that truck and play with it with the grandkids!! It was so cute! Hope you are enjoying your December Nancy!

  5. snowflakes for your shopping! how special was THAT!! =) I’m off today and home having a cup of hot tea too…. don’t know what I like best — the feel of the hot mug, or the smell of the herbal tea of the day, but I DO enjoy a good cup of tea, AND reading your blog…. hugs, ronda

  6. I say get the Barbie Food Truck–you and that little cutie will have hours of fun playing with it.
    I’m off school and should go out shopping but staying home sounds so much nicer.

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