Our Family Christmas

I’m having a heck of a time blocking out some time to sit down and write this inspirational and meaningful Christmas post, and it just isn’t going to happen, so this will have to do! No time for editing today. It’s Christmas Eve!

Tess and Manuel were here until Monday afternoon. We had lots of coffee….


Enjoyed some traditions….


Played games….


and spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking up some yummy food.

We celebrated Christmas last weekend with our traditional Family Open House. We invite lots of extended family over for goodies and fun, then our kids and grandkids stay late and we open gifts. We’ve done this for several years, and it allows our kids to not feel like they are running all over on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day trying to get a visit in with everyone.

On Saturday, the snow started falling and the roads were starting to ice up, so we had to cancel Christmas (What???) and reschedule (Oh, okay) for Sunday. Not everyone was able to make it on Sunday, but we had a great day and knew that changing our plans to Sunday was the safest scenario. 

Here are just a few pics from our Christmas!











Since we had to change things up a bit, our grandson Alex had plans already with his dad, and couldn’t be there. It really stunk too!

Okay, this is my daughter in law, and she may not like it, but I LOVE this picture. Grand-baby number five is in her belly!



Manuel had some serious Chess happening this visit! He taught Tess to play too!



Hello, Santa!



That face!



So basically, everyone knows how to play Chess now, but me.



And this pretty much say’s everything about Christmas that there is to say.


Christmas feels a little different this year. While I know that waking up without your own kids at home is a part of life, this is the first year that Tess isn’t here for Christmas morning, and I’m just not quite ready for that.

Mike and I have a full evening planned tonight and a full day tomorrow.

I’ll get another post up soon about how I’ve handled the food and drink challenges this past week and how I’m Leading Weight Watcher meetings! Excited to share!

How are you getting through the Holiday parties? Are you planning for success? Are you getting in some activity and drinking your water?

I hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday!


“love the life you live, live the life you love”

6 thoughts on “Our Family Christmas

  1. Thank you Lisa! I am so anxious to get my own meeting, but I loved having the opportunity to sub. WW members are the nicest!

  2. What adorable grandchildren and beautiful family. This is what it’s all about isn’t it? I ❤️ the pic of poppa giving one of his little ones a hug. So sweet!! Enjoy every moment. (…and don’t get abducted…. 😜)

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