So….I Bought a Kayak

So much to catch up on!

I didn’t track my food Friday or Saturday. I should have. I just didn’t take the time to do so.


I ran errands all over, didn’t plan well, skipped breakfast and ate very little during the rest of the day. In the evening I went to a girlfriends house for a drink. I know for a fact that I ate too much popcorn and over indulged on the chocolate covered almonds. When I came home, Tucker had vomited and had diarrhea all over the house. Mike had been home to witness it all and clean it up. On one hand I felt really bad that Mike had been home dealing with it all and on the other hand, I was glad that Mike had been home dealing with it all.


Saturday Mike and I were supposed to go visit our daughter Anne and her family in Oklahoma. Anne had a birthday on Sunday and we were looking forward to spending it with her. Tucker did not improve, and knowing we couldn’t take him to Doggie Daycare if he was sick, or expect someone to come by the house and deal with a sick pup, we cancelled our trip.

We took turns on Saturday making sure that one of us was home as Tucker continued to be sick for most of the afternoon.

Around dinner time, Tucker seemed to be doing better, so we headed out to grab a bite to eat at my new favorite Taco spot!

Mahi Mahi Taco’s and a beer at Twisted Fresh. Happy girl.


I mentioned to Mike that I had seriously been wanting a Kayak and I thought that I had found the perfect one. We went to Dick’s to look at it and I came home with a kayak!!

I am ridiculously excited about this. I got the blue one!


I picked out an orange paddle.


Holy Holy…..this thing is super heavy!! He loves me. I just know it.


I wish I had a video of us loading this “into” and not “on top off” the jeep. We didn’t buy any straps to tie it down with (I know I can get them cheaper elsewhere). We put it IN the jeep. That’s right. We folded the back seats down and got her in there with the back window open just a tad. I rode home in the back of the jeep, but you know, not in an actual seat. Not safe, I know.

Why did I buy a Kayak?

If you have been reading the blog for a while or if you know me personally, you know I’ve talked about buying a Vintage Trailer to go camping in. I’m moving forward on this plan/dream as I lead more WW meetings. My goal has been to lead 4 meetings a week, then I get a trailer!

After floating on the lake in a kayak last summer with my niece, I knew that I would love to have one to take on my camping trips.

That’s it really. 

For now, I imagine mornings paddling out to the middle of the lake, then stopping to float and sip my coffee from a thermos. Or afternoons on the lake this Fall.

Later, I see myself driving down Route 66, pulling my vintage trailer with my kayak on top of my vehicle to someplace beautiful where I make new camper/kayaking friends and kayak on the river.

Mike isn’t really much of a camper, but is always super supportive of me and my adventures, whatever they may be. I’m pretty sure I can make him a camper though. Maybe later…..kayaks for two!

We have a small lake super close that I plan to play at for now, then we have a nice larger lake about 15-20 minutes away where I plan to go when I get all comfortable loading it and unloading it on my own. I did a few practice loads and unloads while Mike observed and I managed fine. Did I mention this thing is HEAVY???

Excited to get out there!


Tucker seems to be doing better and I got back to tracking, but ate more than I should have.

Breakfast – 12 SP

A nice little nest of Shredded Sweet Potatoes topped with an Egg and Bacon and Banana and Yellow Kiwi on the side.


Lunch – 6 SP

I’m going to be talking about these Weight Watcher Fresh meals really soon!




Dinner – 24 SP

One un-pictured piece of Cheese Pizza.

Then this plate…..

Cheese Pizza, Salad and Stuffed Mushrooms and Beer


I got my walk in early on Sunday and it was the last day of the StepBet! Yay!

I signed up to do another one that starts in one week! Click HERE if you’d like to join me in this one. It starts next Monday, July 24th. I am waiting on my email to tell me my winnings for this one, but more than anything, I loved having a daily goal.


My Weight Watcher App suggested that I raise my personal goal of earning 50 activity points to 98, so I did!


Daily SmartPoints Total for Sunday = 42

2017 Goals
Make time each week to Meal Plan
Drink 100 ounces of water each day
Exercise 5 days a week
Eat three meals and one snack daily
FOUR 100 Mile Walking Challenges this year! (This goal has changed a little now that I have this fabulous Fitbit.)

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

4 thoughts on “So….I Bought a Kayak

  1. I promise to be safe! Ordered a million dollars in Kayak accessories yesterday on Amazon. LOL!!

    Anxious to get out there! Hopefully this weekend.

    I do also love a cabin and I’m looking forward to staying in one next month while I vintage trailer shop at a vintage trailer meet up!!


  2. If you go by yourself you be careful and wear a life jacket!! I am with nancyabc a cabin for me, but it will be fun to see your trailer and your adventure’s

  3. Ha Ha. I didn’t even talk about the paddling and the exercise that I will be getting, did I?? That is the main reason I think I like it, but I also love the water and miss camping like I did when I was a kid.

    I am NOT at all against the idea of a cabin. I love little cabins. I am staying in one next month at a KOA campground where I will be visiting with lots of Vantage Camper owners! I am so excited!!

    Lots of pictures to come of that event for sure!

    Hope you are having a great week!

  4. Some would see kayaking as a new opportunity to increase your heart healthy activities while others are thinking more kayaking more beer—-lol. I used to love camping but now I would need a cabin with a bed to sleep on (oh a screened in porch with a fire pit).

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