Life Is Good!


My name is Julie and I used to write this blog. lol

Okay, for realzzzz. I have not posted for about a month, but it’s really a good thing because I have just been living life and life is pretty full and happy right now.

I have received several messages from a lot of you and I keep saying that I am going to get a blog posted, but at the end of the day, I’ve been pooped, so I climb in bed and it’s pretty darned nice.

I decided that no matter what happened, I would get a blog posted today.

It’s 11:30 pm on Thursday and we are leaving early in the morning to go to Dallas for our daughter and her finances engagement party. Mike and I are so happy for them and really looking forward to a long weekend in Dallas. It’s the first trip that we have taken since cancer delayed life for a while.

Here’s a little bit of what has been filing my days this last month, then I’m off to bed. Expect typo’s and all that jazz. I gotta get to bed! I miss you all!

Farm Fun

I spent a weekend at the farm with girlfriends the weekend after Mother’s Day. It’s one of my favorite places to be.


I am now going to the YMCA every Tuesday and Thursday and loving it. This s a 12 week program offered free to cancer patients wanting to get back to an active lifestyle. Such a great group!

I met one of my new Y friends before our class today so we could try out the Core Yoga class. That is the first Yoga class I’ve attended in almost a year! I was able to do about 90% of the class. It felt great to be in a class again. After that, we did upper body weights and cardio with the group.

My New Boobs

I am going to Physical Therapy twice a week right now for some scar tissue that I have in both of my new breast. It’s a bummer because….

  • It does not feel great.
  • If the physical therapy doesn’t work, I’ll likely have a surgery to remove the scar tissue because it’s super uncomfortable.

I’m supposed to give therapy a chance and wait 6 months before making any decisions.

I feel great about the way the new girls look, they’re just somewhat uncomfortable. All of the scars are healing well.

I look in the mirror everyday and still can’t believe I had breast cancer. I also can’t believe that I was able to have new breast constructed from my belly tissue. Kinda crazy.

My weight hasn’t budged since May 1st and one of my new medications has a side effect of weight gain, so after talking to my doctor she told me to just continue to do WW, and eventually I should lose some weight. Ugh. I do feel good though, and that’s always been my goal, so there’s that. 🙂


I got a WW At Work meeting that started two weeks ago and I already am in love with all of these members. They are a great and lively group and I am really looking forward to working with them. I am still working as a receptionist at three other meetings and patiently waiting for a Leader Job at one of our store locations.


Two weekends ago, we drove to Oklahoma to help our daughter Anne and her husband and kids move back to the KC area. Yay! It was a really long and tiring few days, but it felt good to be able to chip in and help and have zero lifting restrictions. It was actually the first time that I got to pick up little baby Kingston and I am truly in love with that little guy. It will be so nice to have them back close to us.

Mike and I recently had a great date night. Dinner on a patio (one of my favorite things to do!), then to the James Taylor concert. While I do like James Taylor, I was ecstatic to see Bonnie Raitt. This was on the door when we got there.

James Taylor put on an awesome concert, but I was a little bummed.

We’ve had lots of patio meals and long drives lately, weather permitting of course.

I hit up the Farmers Market this past weekend where I walked around sipping on a Cherry Lime Kombucha.

Kayak Time!

One of the best things that I have done recently is finally getting the Kayak out! I had the best day this last Sunday. I loaded up my pick-up (yes, I have one of those now) with my kayak and headed out to one of our county parks. I had an awesome time out on the water. There were several kayaks, canoes, paddle boards and sailboats. I’m looking forward to getting back out there soon. Maybe I’ll join a kayak club!

Okay, I can’t say “hi” without sharing a couple of new recipes that I found.

This is Mike’s new favorite.

Beef and Cauliflower Rice Mexican Casserole (I made this with 99 Ground Turkey)

This seasoning in this recipe was so good!

Turkey Breakfast Casserole

I posted this reminder on Instagram on June 1st, but if your’e not on Instagram, then this is your reminder!

Please feel for any lumps, bumps, dimples or changes in your breast. Men too! You just might save your own life!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

13 thoughts on “Life Is Good!

  1. Ha. Ha. Thanks Melissa. Working on a blogging schedule of some sort. I feel like I’ve let people down. Don’t wanna do that!

    Thanks so much for sticking with me! 🙂

  2. Thanks Tami. I can NOT seem to get blogging back into my schedule, but I’m working on it.

    I am having fun playing though. lol

  3. Hi Maryfran.

    Thanks for sticking with me! Just to be clear, my weight is up from where I like it be, but I know it will come off, just much slower than I’d like it with all the meds. (big eye roll here)

    Thanks for always supporting me.


  4. I’ve been really slacking here, but I’m working on a way to get back to my blogging schedule. Happy to see people still read. LOL

  5. Julie you look fantastic! I’m so happy for you that you’re doing so well 🎉

  6. Crazy! I was just going to message you to make sure everything was okay. Glad you’re out and about enjoying life!!!

  7. I am so glad that you are doing well! Life does indeed sound good! And kudos to maintaining your weight loss…especially in the face of medication that causes weight gain!!!

  8. Well hello Julie—-it’s good to hear from you.
    Glad you are doing things that make you happy.
    The news that your daughter has moved back to town is great.
    Have a wonderful time in Dallas.

  9. I love you so my old friend! Friends since Santa Fe Trail! I’m in Awww of you!😍

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