So Much in My Head…..

I have all this stuff in my head that I wanna say, so I’m just going to start talking. I’m blogging via voice on my phone so seriously…… I’m just going to babble on about what’s been happening over here, then do a baby edit. Please expect errors and babbling….

First, lets enjoy the pics of these two!! I finally can share these two engagement photos!! Yay!

This is my daughter Tess and her fiancé Manuel. They will be married March 30, 2019 and this momma can hardly wait! I had a couple of pics from their engagement party, but nothing this beautiful, so I’ll just share these.

So sweet.

I can’t pick a favorite, but I love both of these for certain!!


I went in for my physical therapy on my breast. Every appointment, Dani (she is awesome!) basically kneads my scar tissue/fat necrosis with this hard plastic tool. She told me that I could do this at home with any object that would do a similar job. Of course, it does more good when she is working on me because she really digs in there, but I have been doing this at home too.


I brought my tool in to see what she thought. She loved it! Hey….whatever works!


My knees are really bothering me again and it is time to move forward and do something about those. I can’t get into see my doctor until July 10. That’s my bad for delaying the phone call to schedule an appointment for so long. After leaving my physical therapy appointment for my breast, I was feeling a little defeated about the overall physical progress I had hoped to make from May 1st until now. I made a phone call to see if I could get in for a massage or a pedicure.

They could get me in for both. Ahhhhh. Nothing like a little self care.



I went to my YMCA class. I am loving the class, but a busy and irregular work schedule has me missing a few classes. This class however was a great one to be at because it was all about Bands and Balls. One of the bands was so awesome, I sat in my car after the class and ordered it on Amazon. This was also a great class for strengthening legs, which helps greatly with knee issues!

Jessi is in the yellow and she is our Teacher/Instructor/Leader! She is super sweet and makes every class fun! Thanks Jessi for your kindness and you knowledge and your patience with all of us!


I had never used this TRX before, but I absolutely loved it! I was amazed at how many different things you can do with this. Bicep curls, Push Ups, Squats, Lat Pulls, etc. I loved it so much I bought one!


I’ve used it everyday and you can even take it with you! Ya just need a door, or even a tree with the additional strap that it came with. 

Love trying new things.



After working a WW meeting, I drove home to meet Mike. He was sitting on the steps holding Mishka. About 10 days ago we made the decision that it was time for our little Mishka to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Neither of us had ever had to make that decision. I knew it was coming for a long time, but it was still a much more difficult day than I was expecting it to be. She was a sweet girl that I never expected would be around for over 16 years. You will be missed sweet girl.

We didn’t want to sit home feeling sad, so Mike had planned a date night for us. We went to the Chicago/REO Speedwagon concert and had a blast! It was hot, but it is always a great concert when you can sing a long to almost every song!



It was a full work day with another PT appointment. My day ended at a friends pool party. Being in the water was a great workout for my knees! Egads I am feeling old this week!

As a WW Ambassador, we receive all sorts of great gifts. Thai one is cracking me up!



Coffee on the deck and a little me time.

I knocked off a ton of “to do’s” at home on Friday. In the evening, we went to dinner with Mikes brother and his girlfriend to celebrate his brothers birthday. After dinner, a little music and a great evening of getting caught up while sipping drinks on a patio. It was a great night.


I worked an early morning WW meeting (I set three alarms and made it to work on time!) then Mike and I took a long drive in the convertible to a little greasy spoon for breakfast.

The tunes are cranked and I am singing my heart out. Mike is MUCH better singer than I am, but if ya turn it up loud enough, I sound great too!

Wait…does he look annoyed?


We got a little yard work and I continued to get caught up with my “to do” list. I’m in one of those organizing moods.

Our neighbors came over for a few games of pool and we called it a pretty early night.


Early to church, breakfast out, a Walmart run along with a few other errands, a walk with Mike, family phone calls, then laundry, dinner and ready to call it a night.


It was a really full week with a good balance of work and fun.

Lots of water drinking, lots of simple meals that include a protein of some sort and a bag of salad and a lot of fruit this week.

Monday and Tuesday I am leading a total of 6 meetings. I have the opportunity to sub for a couple of leaders so I am looking forward to two full days.

Wednesday will be fun with a couple of different things planned, then off to the lake Thursday thru Sunday.

I finally dropped two pounds. I am not tracking and my eating habits have really changed drastically over the last several months. I’m not sure if that is due to lack of blogging and the effort that it took to work hard at coming up with balanced meals to post about, or if that it is because of a true change in my appetite (i’ve been skipping breafast most days…so unlike me) or what really. I feel like I’m eating healthy foods, just not tracking or doing a great job of spreading out my points throughout the day.

I want to get back to a routine, but I’m still struggling there.

Okay….that’s all the babbling for now!

I’m a day late, but I’ll end with this.

“Feel it on the First” 💕
Going to the doctor after discovering my lump one year ago was scary. The months that followed have been difficult, but more difficult would have been ignoring that lump and letting the cancer grow. This is your monthly reminder to check for any lumps, bumps, dimples or changes in your breast. Men too! Early detection could save your life. Know your body. Be your your own Advocate. Live your best life. Pay attention to your body. Please remind your friends and family to do monthly self breast exams.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”


11 thoughts on “So Much in My Head…..

  1. I hope this means that your projects are moving along!

    Thank you for your condolences. She’s no longer hurting and that gives me peace.

    March is SO close already!!! Egads, just so much to do.

    Hugs friend!


  2. Thank you Lucy. I really do love the engagement pictures. Thank you for loving them too. 🙂

    Loss is so incredibly difficult. I’m so sorry you lost your mama and your fur-baby. My thoughts are with you.

    Please take time to heal, then remember that taking good care of yourself will only make you feel better sooner. Let yourself grieve, but don’t forget to take care of yourself.

    I hope that you had a Happy and Safe and Yummy 4th!




  3. I can’t believe it is July 8th and this is the first chance I have had to read your blog post!
    I have a lot going on this month. I was going to take it easy but that changed on a dime.

    Sorry to hear about your Mishka. We have had to put few dogs to sleep over the years and
    it is hard to do if you have them for a long time.

    The pictures of Tess and Manuel are beautiful. March will be here before you know it.

    Take care

  4. Julie,
    Thanks for your post. I always enjoy them and honestly I don’t feel as guilty knowing that life happens and you can’t do everything. First I wanted to say that Tess looks beautiful and happy.

    I’ve been struggling with getting back on track. This year has had many ups and downs. I too lost my fur-baby who was only 11 years old. Long story that I won’t bore you with. Then a few weeks ago I lost my Mama. I am just not in the mood to worry about weight, exercise or eating but I do see it creeping up and I know better. It takes a hella a lot more energy to lose than it does to gain. So I need to get back on it.
    Everyone has good and bad days the most important thing is that we recognize them. You do it all the time and it helps me when reading these post that the bottom line is we are all human.

    Here’s to happy times and moving forward! Now I’m going in search of good food to eat on your past post for the fourth. 😀 Blessing to you always

  5. Thanks so much Maryfran! You have GOT to see REO Speedwagon!! So much fun! I was having a hard time watching my little doggie hurt, so I have comfort knowing she no longer hurts. Thank you for your condolences. Hugs to you!❤️

  6. So much to say. You are right, the pictures of your daughter and her fiancé are amazing shots! Have fun planning and talking all things wedding for the next 9 mo the (or so)! Kudos for the pounds AND for the three alarms to enable you to make it to your meeting without the mad dash! I’ve seen Chicago a ton of times..amazing concerts…never have I seen REO Speedwagon…have to put them on my bucket list!

    And last but not least….condolences on your loss. Pets soooo become family and it’s hard to lose them!!

  7. Julie, I can’t believe you used the same “kneader” that I used on my nasty side scars where my lymph nodes were taken. That ice cream scooper just worked a lot better than my potato masher. LOL🤣🤣🤣

  8. So great to “hear” this chat and get a catch-up, So sorry to hear about Mishka tho. Take good care of your self and start eating breakfast!! (That was in my ‘mom’ voice). 😍😍😍

  9. You’ve had a long week.
    I wish the happy couple all the best.
    Sorry you lost your furry, best friend.
    I had to really look carefully at your gift straw before I knew what it was.
    Stay cool and have fun at the lake.

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