Unchartered Waters

Coronavirus, COVID-19

That’s where we all are now, in uncharteded waters.

Age 2. Age 102. We are all a part of this. It has had an affect on all of our lives in one way or another.

Days ago wondering “What should I cancel?” “Is it okay to go?” “How do we do this?” What. Is. Happening?

Each day has brought more cancelations, more closures, more restrictions, more information. I seem to just take it in and say “okay” with very little emotion. Many of the things that we are trying to make decisions on have been made for us.

Our daughter Tess was to be a bridesmaid in her best friends wedding this past Saturday in Florida. Cancelled. She and her husband both work at Southwest Airlines and her particular job is incredibly stressful right now. They are now working from home.

Our son Jake and his wife Jordan had planned a trip to D.C. this past weekend. Cancelled. Jake is able to do his job from home and Jordan is a school teacher, so she is now home.

Our daughter Kate had a big event scheduled for yesterday. (I’ll share more on that later) Cancelled. She now is homeschooling her three school age kids with a three year old to care for.

Our daughter Anne is in her last weeks of pregnancy and little grand baby number nine will be born in the middle of all of this. I would imagine we won’t be allowed at the hospital. No big family get together to meet the baby. On the advice of her doctor, she has had to cancel the last few weeks of appointments she had scheduled with clients to do their hair. Also, she is homeschooling their two oldest with a three year old to care for.

My mom works at Target. She is 77. I told her last week that I didn’t want her to go to work and we actually had words about it. I feel terrible for her because she had real concerns about finances and/or losing her job. I can’t even imagine how many people are in her exact situation right now. I convinced her to stay at home and that she would NOT lose her job under these circumstances, then hung up and thought to myself, will she? I wan’t sure but I didn’t want her to risk getting sick at her age.

Fast forward a few days and a conversation with her HR department, and she will not lose her job but she is extremely stressed about finances.

My dad is a dialysis patient. He just started his 9th year. He is 80 years old. He has been such a good sport about going to dialysis three days a week for the last 9 years. Part of what keeps him positive is making conversation with anyone around him. Visitors are no longer allowed at the dialysis center, which whether it was me or a visitor of another patient to chat with, it broke up the five hours he spends there three days a week. Now they take each patients temperature when they walk in the door, and before they leave.

My in-laws were to take a cruise to Italy in May.

While closures and cancellations were being announced, I felt like we were just going day to day, hour to hour waiting to hear what was next. I guess we still are.

One Friday I’m in the WW Studio no longer shaking hands or hugging my members, telling them that I plan to see them the following Friday. Instead, the following Friday I do see many of them, but it’s in a WW Virtual Workshop sitting in my chair at home doing a Workshop on my computer. Every single WW Workshop went to a Virtual Workshop via Zoom.

This spare bedroom is my Virtual Workshop for now because it has the best light. I am so fortunate to have a job and work for a company that was able to provide a “work from home” option. I am still amazed that WW was able to put this plan into action in a matter of three days! Good lighting and a place for me to be with my members. It was recommended that we face a window for the best lighting. This is working.

Are you a member? I would love to have you join my Workshop via your WW App in Connect.

Since the first large events were cancelled here in the United States (I think it started with the NBA) I’ve truly felt numb. Everything that is happening is so unfamiliar. Trips cancelled, theme parks closed, concerts cancelled, stores closed, schools closed, kids sports cancelled, appointments cancelled, drive thru or take out options only, no gatherings of more than 10 people and practicing social distancing, staying 6′ apart from each other.

Kansas City just announced that as of today, we are under a stay-at-home order, requiring residents to remain at home except for activities essential to the health and safety of themselves, family member or friends. We may only leave for necessities such as going to the grocery store, pharmacy, hardware store, bank, doctors office, liquor store or outside for exercise.

Today I waited in line to shop inside Trader Joe’s. 40 people at a time in the store. One person out, one person in.

For several days as everything started to unravel, I was eating all of my emotions without even realizing it. Over a week ago, when we were really still uncertain as to what we were safe doing and not doing, we went to a friends house for dinner with a few other couples.

The next day I said something to Mike about not feeling well and he said he wasn’t surprised because he had never seen me stuff my face like I did on Saturday night.

I know. What? Yep. I needed that reality check though. As soon as he said it I came back with, Yeah, I knew I was doing it too. I just couldn’t stop.

That was over a week ago. Over the next few days I realized just how numb I was and that I needed to start dealing with all of the emotions I have surrounding all of this.

Wednesday I went to Walmart for a regular prescription. It wasn’t ready so I shopped for a few things that we needed. It was the first day for me witnessing so many empty shelves. No milk. Little meat.Once I saw just how many empty shelves there were, I started to feel all of those emotions.

I hate what is happening right now and I still feel a little numb with each day, but I had to pull myself together, so I did.

I got myself an accountability partner. I reached out to a fellow WW member and asked her if we could share with each other how each day was going. She agreed.

Now, I’m seeking out all of the good in this as best as I can.

The wedding that Tess was to be in will happen, just later. Bride and Groom, Cara and Jordan, did get married Saturday with just parents and siblings, but will reschedule the Wedding. Tess and Cara almost one year ago at Tess and Manuel’s wedding.

Tess is super crafty and made all of the signage for her own wedding. She made this and shipped it a couple of weeks ago for their wedding. I guess a little part of her was there.

Virtual Happy Hours with friends have been great!

My first Virtual Yoga class yesterday!

Virtual Concerts…..saw a Keith Urban one too!

Lots of phone conversations and group text messages!

A co-worker of mine at one of her neighbors house. Love that people are getting creative to spread some joy!

A friend of mine was taking a walk in our neighborhood today and saw this…..

Mike and I had our first Movie Night in our new space. It was perfect.

I had two projects that I wanted to work on before my first trip in Effie this summer. I needed to fix an unfinished area of the floor, and I wanted to make a new table. I had all sorts of fun ideas for my table, and in the end I made it as simple as could be.

Floor looks much better. I had fun getting the saw out again!

The dinette area in a travel trailer makes into a bed, but the table that I was using was not the original table and making it into a bed wasn’t working. I’m hoping Mike will camp with me so I wanted to make a table that would serve it’s dual purpose and easily make into a bed.

I was able to transfer over all of the old hardware from the table that I had been using.

One of the benefits of Coaching Virtual Workshops? No pants required!

I hope you are all staying safe and taking care of yourself and your loved ones.

I hope you found something here that made you smile or inspired you to try a new virtual experience.

I gotta go grocery shop for Mom now, but I’ll share later today what we’ve been eating here and few things that I plan to make this week.

Hugs to all!

R.I.P. Kenny Rogers. One of my all time favorites.

“Love the life you live, live the life you love”

23 thoughts on “Unchartered Waters

  1. Thank you for posting dates, times and instructions. I’ve been following your blog and find you so inspiring and real. Thank you. I’m living in Austin, TX and am excited to “attend” one of your workshops, even though it’s via virtual.

  2. Hi Lora! 😊 I’m so happy to hear that virtual workshop’s are helping you! I just posted a new blog that includes my schedule. I hope to see you in a workshop soon!

  3. Ronda. You have no idea how much this comment means to me. 🥰 I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how my word is create and how much I am using it since the beginning of the year. Sending you back hugs and good vibes. Hope you’re staying safe and feeling well.

  4. Hi Sue. I just posted a blog with all of my workshop information. I hope to see you soon! I will be in Olathe Ks at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Central standard time.

  5. Hi Nancy. Thank you for the prayers. 💕I just wrote a new blog with detailed instructions on how to join a virtual workshop using your telephone. I hope that it all makes sense but please let me know if you have any questions and I will try and help you. I would love to have you in a virtual workshop!

  6. Diane, I am SO enjoying your book! I can’t wait to finish it and post about it. I just posted a new blog so hopefully you will be able to find me in a workshop soon! I would be so excited to see you!

  7. Hi Lois. Thank you for reading and I am super happy with the Effie.❤️😊

  8. Kathy, I just posted a new blog with great detailed instructions. Let me know if you have anymore questions after reading this latest post. I hope I see you in a workshop!

  9. Amy, I’m so happy I was able to brighten your day. Your comment brightened my day. Hugs.💕

  10. I am so so happy that you are feeling better and really looking forward to seeing you in the workshop! Hugs Ronda.🥰

  11. Thx, for (forgive my language), but best-selling us back into WW reality! When you said about the care shelves at Walmart, it triggers the hoarding response. That triggers old attitudes like eating too much. You get it! Thankful for Virtual Workshops. Which are you leading, would love to send a Connect request and join you! Please let me know! The virtual meetings have helped, now that I got the hang of it!

  12. Julie, your words echo so much of what I, and I assume so many others are feeling and experiencing right now. I was thinking of you yesterday, and your word, “create.” I was running through my mind how your word seems so appropriate especially right now; create balance, create a safe place, create connection, create normalcy.

    Sending you hugs and good vibes!

  13. I’d like to join your WW virtual meeting. What is the name of your group so I can find times?

  14. I just use a Kindle and have a go-phone for emergencies.
    I need to get a smart phone so I can do things like virtual meetings.
    I always thought if I waited long enough there would be a WW app for a Kindle but no luck.
    I have home delivery from Krogers and I’ve been lucky to get most of my items.
    I’m a retired teacher and feel for teachers and students across this country. It will be a challenge getting back on track but with dedicated teachers like your daughter this country will do it.
    I’ll keep your parents and so many others in my prayers that they can keep their health, finances, and spirits going through these troubling times.
    Good job of turning your eating around.
    I’ve seen a lot of articles lately on how C–19 is the new freshmen 15.

  15. Such a joy to read your new post, Julie. And thank you for putting into words what so many of us are feeling and experiencing. I think a part of us feel that same numbness because this is all so surreal. Like a bad dream we just can’t seem to wake up from. Goodness, so many cancellations in your own family! And I will pray everything goes smoothly with your daughter’s upcoming delivery and her precious baby. And I’ll also pray your sweet mama stays HOME!

    Your transparency concerning your comfort eating sure hits close to home. I have to keep fighting that little voice that keeps whispering in my ear, “Well, you won’t have to weigh in for weeks … maybe months … so go ahead. Have that chocolate. Have some pizza. Another glass of wine? Why not! You’ll have plenty of time to get those pounds off again …” Oh, the slippery slope. But like you, I’m focusing again on cooking healthy options. Oh, and I want to visit one of your online workshops! Do you have a list of the dates/times? My own workshop in Nashville isn’t offering a virtual meeting, so if I have to look elsewhere, why not KC?! Stay safe and healthy! You are loved!

  16. Thank you for putting into words how most of us are feeling.

    Love how cute Effie turned out

  17. Thank you for putting into words what we all are feeling. Life right now is surreal. Your writing totally brightened my day! Thanks 😊

  18. so good to read this – with plans to attend YOUR workshop – I tried one here, but it was while I was sick in bed and even though I KNEW no one could see me in my jammies and uncombed (for days) hair, I wasn’t POSITIVE of my technical abilities and I logged out after just a couple minutes! I will get dressed, comb my hair and pretend that you have pants on and join yours next! BTW: Kenny Rodgers – the one and only concert I’ve ever attended = guessing apprx 1980! =) Hugs, Ronda

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