What’s Your Healthy Habit?

My girlfriend Betsy made this sign/tray for me for Effie and gave it to me last night. I think it’s just the cutest! Thanks Bets! If you’ve not made Betsy’s Zucchini Soup, well that’s the same girl and it is delicious!

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments either here on the blog or via Facebook for Kate. When you’re headed into something big like she is, it’s nice to have support and the prayers you all offered up mean the world to the both of us!

It’s late but I didn’t want to skip a post again. I’m liking my daily “habit”. We’re talking about the importance of habits in the Workshops this week and it has me thinking about some of the healthy habits I’ve developed over the years. Blogging daily had become a healthy habit for me as a great accountability tool. Getting back to doing that again has been a great habit to return to.

Another habit of mine is drinking 80-100 oz of water daily. Staying home these two months I found myself drinking more and more coffee and less and less water. This week I have been putting my water glass by the coffee pot before I go to bed at night. While the coffee brews in the morning, I drink an 8 oz glass of water then set my glass down by the coffee pot. When I go for that next cup of coffee, I fill up the water glass and drink it before allowing myself the next cup of coffee. It’s working for now. If this does not turn into a long term habit, at least for now it has me back to drinking my water.

What is a healthy habit of yours?

Are these adorable or do you find them nauseating? Ha! Just kidding. I think they’re adorable. We both say I love you more a lot. It’s a thing I guess.

.Here’s another beverage I’ve been enjoying. Makes a nice Mocktail in a glass with ice and a lime. Have you tried this? Unlike the regular lime LaCroix.

Okay, short and sweet tonight.


I didn’t even know this was a flavor! So good! Happy accident at Whole Foods.


Random fridge hunt. Turkey, Hummus with Feta, Peppers, Carrots, Tomatoes and a Pear.


Spur of the moment Happy Hour at a girlfriends house on her patio enjoying my Mocktail.

Hummus, Cucumbers, Grapes, Cherries, Cheese, Tomatoes, Nuts and some chips and salsa that I passed on.

I got in a 4 mile walk just in time to miss the rain and make it to Happy Hour.

I hope you’ve all had a great day!

‘Til tomorrow!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

4 thoughts on “What’s Your Healthy Habit?

  1. The old kitchen scale! 🤣🤣 Great habit of weighing and measuring!! Have you had a chance to try the glass of water in between cups of coffee? 😊

  2. My healthy habit is weighing and measuring my food. For me it’s all about portion control.

    As a former WW “Leader”, I used to joke that I’ve been on every Weight Watcher plan known to man. Back in the day we weighed our food on those cute little postage scales. I still have mine! (Marie Kondo would have a heyday in my home!) Now, I use the cute little white WW glass scale and tons of measuring cups and spoons.

    I do have trouble getting my water in, so I’m going to try your tip about having a glass of water before each cup of coffee. I need all the tips I can get on drinking water!

  3. When we talked at our workshop Wednesday and mentioned the glass of water by the coffee pot I thought I would give it a try for the rest of the day and all day yesterday and seemed to work. I got in 4 glasses of water, so the glasses is by the pot today.

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