This trooper is home. Surgery went great!
She posted the above picture on Facebook after getting settled in her hospital room. The hospital had just began allowing one visitor per day as of this Tuesday, so she asked me to come up. I got to spend the afternoon with her and she was doing great! Getting up to walk and exercising her lungs as directed.

She was having some difficulty keeping down the fluids they were giving her, so they kept her an extra night to get that under control. She came home Sunday afternoon!I I’ll keep you posted on her recovery and success.
I spent a little time over at Effie this weekend making sure she is all ready to go camping Friday. That’s right. I get to camp! I camped for my very first time one year ago with my dad and stepmom and met this particular group of Vintage Campers. This is their 6th Annual June trip together. There are 18 Vintage Trailers registered for the upcoming campout. Mike was super close to actually going with me, but he’s got garage plans. lol. He is working his butt off on the garage, so I’ll let this slide, but I am hoping he’ll go with me at least once this year. I am however taking our 10 year old grand daughter with me! I can’t wait to spend the weekend with Amiyah! She’s the most easy going kid ever and she likes to do a lot of the same things I like to do. Cook, read, draw, play games. We are going to have so much fun together. When buying the trailer I thought about how fun it would be to take the grandkids camping. I decided to go last year alone and get comfortable towing, setting up at the campsite, learning how to level the trailer and all that jazz before taking any of the grandkids. I’m ready! I’m really looking forward to our weekend together.
My last project for Effie was to make a top of some sort that would fit over the stove. I think the stove is adorable and I want to keep the trailer as original as I can, but I’m not using the propane stove and I wanted a top to put over it that would allow me more countertop space. I wanted something that would be simple to move when I want to “show” the camper if I’m attending a rally.
It turned out exactly like I was hoping it would! This is simply a piece of MDF board I found at Home Depot. I had them cut it to the size I needed and I made four legs from the pieces that they cut off. I added contact paper to the top so it should be easy to clean. Now I have a nice large flat surface for the coffee pot, electric skillet and electric burner.

Here are a few things we ate over the weekend.
I’m finding all of the LaCroix flavors. This Limoncello actually taste like lemon cake! The Coconut makes a great Mocktail when adding fresh pineapple. Also delicious as a Cocktail with a little Pineapple flavored Malibu Rum.
I found this small cookbook I’ve had for a few months and decided to actually open it. I made this omelette two mornings in a row.

Two Yogurt Bowls over the weekend made with Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt, Vanilla Flavored Stevia drops, Cinnamon and fruit. One made with Blueberries, one made with Banana slices.
I used to eat a tortilla with hummus a lot. I guess I had forgotten about this yummy little combo. Great for a quick lunch with Turkey. I also added a little crumbled feta.
I walked on Saturday and mowed on Sunday, cuz I’m the mower again in this family.
#feelitonthefirst Today is the 1st of the month and with that comes a reminder from me for you to feel your breast for any lumps, bumps, dimples or changes of any kind. Know your body. Be your own advocate. Men and women. If you notice any changes, call your doctor and have those changes checked out. You could save your own life. I found my lump 6 months after a clear 3-D mammogram and called the doctor. I may have saved my life.

This was a tough emotional weekend. While absorbing all that is happening in our world right now and having conversations with family and friends about it all, I had Kate on my mind and one of my friends from high school posted Thursday afternoon on social media that her 21 year old son was missing. They knew he was confused and scared. Thankfully he was found Sunday afternoon.
Lots of prayers said over these last several days, weeks and months for so many people in the world.
Sending you all a great big hug.
‘Til tomorrow.
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
Thank you Nyleen. Happy to make you lol. Now don’t forget to check em!
I’m impressed with her too Nancy. 😊💕
She’s always got some cute 👓 on! 💕 Thanks for the prayers and your always kind words Diane. ❤️
Hey Julie, So glad to hear all went well & LOVE the mug. The sentiment made me laugh out loud. Nyleen
Things will get easier as Kate gets her daily life back.
Four children will do that.
Still very impressed by her decision.
Such a wonderful post to start off the new week! Glad to see Kate came sailing through her surgery and got to come home! (BTW I love her glasses!) We’ll keep her in our prayers as she continues her new journey. LOVE your new stovetop cover for Effie! It’s perfect. How fun will your weekend be with your granddaughter! Looking forward to seeing the pictures. This year has been a rough one for all of us from the very beginning, but your posts offer such a nice escape, even if just for the time it takes us to read them. Always a blessing!