Well this absolutely fabulous year is half way over. How the heck it’s July 1st, I have no idea. I keep thinking about that Vision Board party that I went to in December, then the one I went to in January and all the excitement I felt going into 2020. The Chiefs winning the Super Bowl had really set the tone for a kick ass year. Well, here we are. Not quite so kick ass.
I’m doing my best to keep my chin up and encouraging others to do the same. Self care has been a big part of maintaining a positive attitude.
Today I am reminding every person that I can to do your monthly self breast exam. Men too. One of the best things that we can do for ourselves right now is to make our health a priority, and that includes a self breast exam.
Three years ago this month I found a lump in my breast. It had only been 6 months since my 3-D Mammogram where I got the “all clear, see ya next year”. I felt like it was likely nothing but I thought I should have it checked out. An office visit for an exam led to scheduling an ultrasound which led to a biopsy. I think one of the scariest days was laying on the cold ultrasound table in that gown waiting for the tech to come back in. It seemed like she was taking forever. As I lie there I remember thinking, is she going to come back in here and tell me I need a biopsy? Because that’s the same thing as saying you might have cancer. Shit. Do I? I knew when she finally walked back in the door with someone else with her, it wasn’t good. Cancer sucks. Having a double mastectomy sucked. Reconstruction and all of the decisions around it sucked. Cancer is not a boob job and it certainly isn’t a free boob job! But here’s the deal. I discovered my lump because I had done just enough self breast exams that I knew what I was feeling was different. Feel your boobs. Men too! Feel that chest area. Look for any bumps, lumps, dimples or changes in skin color and if you find anything, call your doctor. Not gonna lie, it’s some scary shit, but early detection could make a difference in how you tell your own story. Hugs to all that have been through it or going through it now. Stay strong. You can do it!
Coffee. Water. More Coffee. Water. More Coffee. That’s a lotta steps to the bathroom ya know.
Leftover WW Sheet Pan Chicken Fajita’s fixin’s from the weekend.

We had dinner in a friends backyard where we could all sit apart from one another but still have great conversation and catch up. Everyone brought something and this was my contribution.
I made Chicken Salad and put it on top of lettuce in cups with a couple of pretzels. I was trying to think of something easy to share. This went over well with friends!

I also wanted a little something festive so I made some simple Red White & Blue fruit skewers.

I just went back and looked at my Fitbit and since June 8th I’ve walked 3-4 miles every day except for two! I’m feeling pretty good about that!
Up late tonight, so off to bed.
I love this quote…..
“When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself.” Paolo Coehlo
“love the life you live, live the life you love”
❤️❤️I just love you!!! ❤️❤️
Love the party fare! Looks amazing. Quite the little hostess you are, my dear … hope you have a great 4th and thanks for the monthly boob reminder. Have I mentioned before what an inspiration you are?