Happy Birthday to Me!

Hello 55. I hope you’re kind to me.

It was a busy day here yesterday wrapping up “things to do” around the house. Mike had Malik, the oldest grandson, over to help rake up all of those beautiful leaves that have fallen. Except of course for this oak tree, which now drops acorns like no other!

Manuel vacuumed the basement for me and then he went over to Jake’s new house a block away and mowed the yard while Jake continues to work on a few inside projects! Our kids have picked the best spouses!

Seriously though, it is so nice to have them here.

My mom came over for a bit and had a cup of coffee with Tess and I.

We then filled up the house yesterday afternoon to see how the new furniture is going to work out.

Oh…….and we have a rug!!

Our daughter Anne and her hubby and kids came over yesterday to yell at the TV with us. Manuel living in the Dallas area all of his life and Tess a die hard Chiefs fan, this entire afternoon made for good entertainment. Also, it was so much fun filling up this room with fam and enjoying it! And……all that yelling paid off. YaY Chiefs!!

Likely forever my favorite space in the house. Well, for now. Until my next idea…..


Sunday and Wednesday are scheduled rest days so that came in handy.

I did not plan out food well as I was really focused on finishing up getting the house in order. We snacked all day long and I kept pulling fruit out of the fridge for myself and anyone else interested.

Then after the game I remembered I had some butternut squash that needed to be cooked and I had recently found a Butternut Squash Soup recipe that looked quick and easy, so I made that and a few others enjoyed it as well.


Coffee with Almond Milk


Snacks….two slices of frozen pizza, more crackers than I needed and lots of veggies and fruit throughout the afternoon.


Butternut Squash Soup topped with Trader Joe’s Roasted Plantains

It’s going to be a great play day!

Enjoy your day!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

8 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to Me!

  1. What a wonderful birthday week you’re having! And such a youngster at only 55. How fun to have the family filling your beautiful new living room! Julie, the fireplace looks GORGEOUS! And the rug ties it all together perfectly. You must be so pleased, seeing it all done. I wish I had half your energy and creativity! Have FUN!

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