A Week of Thanksgiving

Tess and Manuel spent the day on the road and arrived yesterday around 5:00.

I’ll start with my gift to myself yesterday.

A little time spent out here visiting with Tess while Mike and Manuel got caught up inside. I love this space so much. We finished it March 1, 2020. Then the country closed up and we didn’t really get to share it with anyone. Enjoying the deck with a fire going is one of my favorite things to do, and being able to share this with Tess last night made it even better!

I hope the weather allows us to do this several times over the next week. Being able to use this space on Thanksgiving would be SO helpful!

Tess and Manuel will be here for a week and we’ve got some catching up to do. Mike and I spent last Thanksgiving alone as I know many of you did. This year we are going to have a houseful and I’m so looking forward to it.

So much to be thankful for as we spend this week with family celebrating and making memories.

Today we’re watching the Chiefs/Dallas game and hopefully eating some yummy food. Manuel, born and raised in the Dallas area, is feeling pretty confident about his team today. Let’s DO THIS Chiefs!!

Monday is my birthday and it feels like it’s been forever that Tess and I got to spend my birthday together. Unsure of our plans for the day, but I’m starting it off with a massage so I already know it’s going to be a great day.

I’ll keep my post short this week so I can spend time with the kids but I want to keep the blog going daily. With extra people here, get togethers with friends and family and Thanksgiving, I know the accountability will be helpful.

Activity Yesterday

A 3.5 mile walk followed with an ab workout.


Coffee, Almond Milk


A variety of foods I grabbed while doing some house cleaning.

The last of the chicken salad, left over cauliflower, dried figs and a Chomps stick.


We ordered dinner out and I went with a side salad with grilled salmon.

Off to enjoy the fam. Go Chiefs!!

“love the life uyoi live, live the life you love”

3 thoughts on “A Week of Thanksgiving

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Lynn! These are kinda ugly wins right now but we’ll take them! 🥴😃

  2. Envy isn’t normally part of my DNA, but that deck with the fire going, and all your beautiful furnishings … I must admit I would LOVE to have one just like! And how wonderful that Tess and Manuel are there and enjoying it with you! I know you will all have such a wonderful week together. Thanks so much for all your posts. I read every single one of them, even if I don’t post a response. I learn something in each and every one of them!
    (P.S. I hope your Chiefs play better than our Titans did today!)

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