
Good morning from sunny Kansas. It’s December 2nd and it’s going to be 70° here today. Isn’t that crazy? The hubs is planning a golf afternoon and I’m looking forward to a long walk outside after I enjoy this coffee outside on the deck.

Is it unseasonably warm where you are today?

I’m headed out of town tomorrow for a long weekend with a few girlfriends in an Airbnb. We have a few fun things scheduled along with lots of relaxing and catching up.

I’ll be back Tuesday to talk all about how successful I was in eating healthy, enjoying my fake beers and getting in long walks while on a girls trip. Recovering from the sugar consumed over Thanksgiving and the two days following has not been worth it. I really felt like crud.

I plan to have a great weekend with friends, but also be mindful of what I’m eating. I need to keep moving. Sitting around chatting is great fun, but the longer I sit, the stiffer I get. So move, move, move. Take great food that I enjoy eating and avoid any sugary snacks as hard as it may be. Enjoy my tasty fake beers and be happy that I have them. Drink plenty of water and HAVE FUN!


Yesterday was a scheduled rest day, but I felt like I needed to move. I decided to walk 1 mile on the treadmill. While I was on the treadmil I pulled up one of the Obe’ videos in the WW App out of curiosity. This looked like a great low impact (dang you knees) workout that I could do. I’m trying to find something besides walking and hula hooping that will give me a little cardio workout.

After my mile on the treadmill, I did this video and it was a great 10 minute video that could be done anywhere!


Coffee Almond Milk


It was a grab and go kind of a day.


I need easy on Wednesday nights because after work, I’m eating dinner around 7:30 or 8:00. I have a few favorites that are close to work if I don’t have something prepped at home.

Do you have the Chipotle App?

You can save your meal and name it. Open the app, click on your meal, click on the pay button and waaalaaaa! Pick up dinner!

I feel like they must have been short on veggies because this clearly had little veggies and extra guac! Added a few plantains to the side.

See you all Tuesday!

Have a fabulous weekend!

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

2 thoughts on “December?

  1. Sorry for the late reply! What is with this weather?? Honestly, I would love it to be in the 70s nine months out of the year so I’m not complaining. But also, I love snow. ❄️ ⛄️ ❤️🤣

  2. We hit 73 here yesterday! Boo hiss! Bring on the snow! I hope you have a wonderful time getting away with your friends. Sounds like a perfect chance to unwind after your busy Thanksgiving, and you clearly have a great mindset about what you eat and the exercise you need. You’ll do smashingly, girl! Have FUN!

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