18 Years…

I don’t want to miss a blog post or fall behind in tracking but I am about 12 hours behind in getting today’s post done. I’ll keep this one simple. Mike and I celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary yesterday, but not really. Well, the day happened, but there was little time for celebrating. I’ve got big plans for us this weekend, so we simply went out to dinner last night. I don’t even have an updated picture of us! Quick and easy, then a little more meaningful post tomorrow. Good night all. I got my 12,000 steps in yesterday! Breakfast – 9 SP Two Eggs topped with smashed Avocado, a side of Sweet Potatoes and Grapes   Lunch – 7 SP Low Carb Whole Wheat Wraps with Hummus, Rotisserie Chicken and Feta, Raw Veggies and Watermelon. This was super filling!   Dinner – 16 SP I was in the mood for red meat […]

My Weekend Update…

My plan for the weekend was to wake up on Monday morning and not feel frustrated with myself for losing control over the weekend with my food and beverage choices. As I sit down to write this post, I am reminded as to why this journey can be so damned hard at times. There were a gazillion food decisions to make this weekend. Do I or don’t I? How many bites? Does this look like about 1/4 cup? Should I have some of that? Should I leave it alone? How many points is that? Do I have that one or that one? Which of these looks like the best choice? Track that beer in your mental tracker and drink water now. Oh look! Wine!  Friday was my most successful and mindful day of the three. Saturday I wasn’t as prepared as I needed to be and I did not handle the […]

One Down, Two to Go!

I hope you all enjoyed your Cinco De Mayo. I did!   I had a plan for yesterday and I succeeded! Having a successful day yesterday sets my mind up for success in getting through today and tomorrow successfully as well! I knew that I wanted to have my beers, so my day was planned around low point and balanced meals that would allow points at the end of the day to enjoy beers with friends without the worry of over doing. I planned out my day and I stuck to my plan. I did not allow myself to think about the things that I would not be eating, but I kept focused on what I could have because I had planned for it. It worked and I had a fun day working the food truck for First Friday’s downtown and a fun night with friends in the neighborhood. I’ll […]

The Challenging Weekend Ahead

After purging all of my thoughts into my blog yesterday, I felt better. Sometimes I gotta do that. I gotta get all of those thoughts outta my brain. Thanks for reading, relating and taking the time to comment. To those of you that I know personally, it’s hard to admit my weakest moments, so thank you for just being so dang nice. This weekend? Lot’s of challenges ahead and I need a plan so that when Monday morning comes, I don’t wake up feeling frustrated with myself. Today I am working at the Food Truck, so my plan to successfully get through the day is to bring a filling lunch and leave the food truck food to the paying customers. Friday night, we have a Cinco De Mayo party at a friends house. I’ll eat before we go and not eat any food or snacks that might be there. Saturday night, […]

Food Thoughts and More Food Thoughts

Every once in a while, I have to go a little deep with the blog and I am reminded why I titled my blog “The Weight of my Weight”. My brain has been extra full lately with thoughts of food and wanting to eat and eat and I’m not sure why. I have had so many moments recently where all I can think about is what is in the pantry! I go to the pantry. I open the doors. I look at the food. I think about eating something that I do not need. I am not hungry and I know this. I close the door. I walk away. Five minutes later (or maybe two minutes) I am back, looking, thinking, stressing. It’s like I just want to dive into the pantry and eat all of the chips and nuts and bars until I explode. This is “past Julie thinking” and […]

Short One Tonight

(Edited. I didn’t have all of my pictures in here the first go round!) I have so much that I want to say about the last two days and all of the thoughts that are in my head about FOOD! Seriously, how can one person think about food so much? I have no idea. But….it’s late and I’m too tired to type all of my thoughts. For real, there is like a gazillion. Expect a nice long blog post tomorrow and this one will just about what awesome food I ate yesterday. Breakfast – 7 SP RXBar on the go! This is awesome because it is delicious and already made!   Lunch – 10 SP BLT on Sweet Potato Buns with fruit. I forgot just how much I like this combo!   174 g of Cooked Sweet Potato Bun (6 SP), 2 Slices of Oscar Mayer Center Cut Bacon (2 SP), 2 tsp Avocado […]

May Is Going To Be Mindful!

I had such big plans for myself in March with my 100 Mile Walk, then that dang Plantar Fasciitis got in the way of things and I did not complete my 100 mile challenge. I didn’t make any goals at all for myself for April, so I feel that May really needs a mindful plan. I went to a gym about 30 minutes away to inquire about a 6 Week Challenge they have starting next week. That seemed far to drive when I know there are things that I can do that are closer to home. It was a tad pricey for three 30 minute workouts a week, so I’ve decided to stick to walking and Yoga until I come up with something else to try. I like the Fitbit, but I have not been great about working towards the 12,000 step goal that I set for myself. I’ve decided […]

Busy and Fun

Busy few days recently. On Wednesday, I worked at the food truck and wanted to eat everything on the truck. I came real darn close. On Thursday morning, I was going to write a blog titled “Food Truck Confessions” but instead I went to visit our newest grand baby, Wrenley. Oh my gosh……she is just so cute. She is now starting to smile and it is the best feeling to be holding her and have her smile at you.  Thursday ngiht we went to watch one of our other grand daughters perform in her Spring Show at school, then out for ice cream. On Friday I headed out of town with some girlfriends to play for the weekend. On Saturday the husbands joined us and we had a lot of Four Wheeling fun in the mud and rain, and it was possibly the most fun that I have ever had. On Sunday we […]

Long Day, Busy Day

Yesterday was a really long day. I woke up early, did stuff (you know how I do) then headed out to work. My At Work WW Group continues to kick butt and continues to remind me just how much I love this job, the people that I have the opportunity to meet and all of the satisfaction that comes with this job. Best part of my week is this Tuesday meeting! Every other Tuesday, after working my WW meeting, I have been going to visit my mom’s cousin at the nursing home. If you’ve been reading for a while, then you know that February was a full month of moving my mom’s cousin out of her apartment and into a nursing home. It was a really tough month and being her P.O.A., and my mom and myself being her only relatives, we had several decisions to make. So far things have […]

I Love an Outside Day

Yesterday was beautiful outside and I wanted to enjoy it as much as I could. My morning started with coffee on the deck and watching the pups lay in the sun. Next, I brought my breakfast out and enjoyed the sun myself just a tad longer. I eventually brought my computer out and ended up spending the entire morning on the deck enjoying more coffee and catching up on emails. It really was the perfect morning.   I met up for a walk with Becky at around noon and we ended up walking almost 7 miles! I’d say that I ended my day with a good amount of steps!   After our nice long walk, I had lunch on my deck. I just had no desire to be in the house with all of that sunny sunniness outside! After I worked at a WW meeting, Mike and I met for dinner. We did NOT eat out […]