The Challenging Weekend Ahead

After purging all of my thoughts into my blog yesterday, I felt better. Sometimes I gotta do that. I gotta get all of those thoughts outta my brain.

Thanks for reading, relating and taking the time to comment. To those of you that I know personally, it’s hard to admit my weakest moments, so thank you for just being so dang nice.

This weekend? Lot’s of challenges ahead and I need a plan so that when Monday morning comes, I don’t wake up feeling frustrated with myself.

Today I am working at the Food Truck, so my plan to successfully get through the day is to bring a filling lunch and leave the food truck food to the paying customers.

Friday night, we have a Cinco De Mayo party at a friends house. I’ll eat before we go and not eat any food or snacks that might be there.

Saturday night, a patio party at a friends house because the weather is supposed to be gorgeous and it just sounds fun. I’ll save extra daily points for that and dip into my weekly points for any adult beverages.

Three graduation parties over Saturday and Sunday afternoon. I’ll eat before I go and use my weeklies for any adult beverages.

That’s a lot of food and beverage challenges for a girl that’s had food on the brain 24/7.

My plan is to stay within my Daily SmartPoints for my food and use some of my Weeklies if I need to for beverages.

I plan on Egg White and Veggie Omelets with fruit to start each day. Low in points and high in protein.

Okay, I have a plan!

I really want to wake up on Monday knowing that I am a successful Weight Watcher Member and Leader.

I hope you all have a great weekend planned!

Thanks for being so great!

I got in my 12,000 steps and a few extra yesterday and I drank all of my water!


Here is what I ate yesterday and why. 

Breakfast – 5 SP

I work an early WW meeting on Thursday and typically eat after that meeting. I completely forgot that I had committed to work another meeting immediately following, so I bought these Breakfast Bars at the meeting, then didn’t end up eating it until I got in the car. My tummy was growling something fierce!

These are good, but I forgot how small they are. 


Lunch – 3 SP

I had just enough time before working another WW meeting to come home and have something a little more substantial.

Egg White Omelette with 1 Wedge of Laughing Cow Cheese Spread inside and topped with Salsa, Grapes on the side. I also poured a cup of coffee over ice and added 1/2 container (6.5 ounces) of Vanilla Premier Protein.


Snack – 11 SP

After working at my third WW meeting for the day, (I got the opportunity to sub for my very own Leader, Joan, at one of her At Work meetings!) I found myself a coffee shop where I curled up in a cozy little booth and wrote yesterday’s blog post. As you can imagine (if you read yesterday’s post), I was there for a while pondering how to share my struggles.

I went through one Nonfat Latte, one Peanut Butter Protein Ball, one cup of Black Coffee followed with one more Protein Ball. All of the other food options were pastries.

I am guessing that each ball is 4 SmartPoints. They were damn good.


Snack – 4 SP

Nut Butter Roll Up

One Whole Wheat Low Carb Tortilla (1 sp) with 2 tsp Trader Joe’s Nut Butter (2sp), One Banana (0 sp) with 1/2 tsp of Honey Drizzle (1 sp)



Dinner – 10 SP

I cooked some chicken in the skillet with Olive Oil and Greek Seasonings, then I added Zucchini and Tomatoes.

I roasted Sweet Potatoes, Carrots and Red Onion with the same Oil and Seasonings.

I tossed it all in a bowl.

It was eh.

Daily SmartPoints Total = 33

2017 Goals
Make time each week to Meal Plan
Drink 100 ounces of water each day
Exercise 5 days a week
Eat three meals and one snack daily
FOUR 100 Mile Walking Challenges this year!
“love the life you live, live the life you love”

10 thoughts on “The Challenging Weekend Ahead

  1. Not awful, but not as well as I would have liked to. I just posted an update.

    You are sweet to ask!

  2. Thank you so much for sending me over to meet Skinny Doll! I love her post! That was a tough read and I want to give her a big hug. I’ll continue to follow her. Thanks Nancy!

  3. Love Salsa and Veggies!!! That’s the perfect snack Nancy!


  4. Hi Amy! Thanks for still reading and sticking with me.

    I know this journey can have so many ups and downs for all of us, no matter how strong we can feel at certain times. I think it’s important for us to remind ourselves that we are worth the battle and that our challenging days do not define our entire journey, they are simply a part of it.

    Thinking of you!

    Have an awesome weekend!

    I onl

  5. I love this! She mentioned that she had made a new friend, but we didn’t have long to chat and she told me that she would fill me in later. I am so happy that the two of you were able to meet and so happy to hear that you found a meeting to attend!

    I look forward to sharing my journey with you and thanks for stopping by!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I met your sweet daughter today on a walk with my little poodle around our apartment lake. We discovered that we were both bloggers and lifetime Weight Watcher members. I have been off track for the last several months due to moving and the death of my father. She was just what I needed to convince me that I needed to return to the meetings. I had already located a meeting place near by so I plan on attending on Monday. I look forward to following your blog.

  7. Thank you for your honesty. It is helpful for me to realize that others have the same struggles as me.

  8. Oh, Skinny Doll: Am I Unloveable? April 26, 2017.
    Another good read.
    Sorry about all the Oh’ s—-lol.

  9. Maybe the parties will have a lot of salsas and veggies!
    I’m ready for veggies now.

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