Dallas Bound for a Long Weekend

I haven’t been to Dallas to visit my kiddo for a long weekend in quite a while, so it’s time! She has Saturday, Sunday and Monday off, so we are going to enjoy some much needed mother/daughter time. She is in a new apartment since I was there last, and loves it. She wants to just hang out and chat and cook. Maybe sip some wine. Okay!

I spent yesterday running a few errands, doing laundry, housework, and making sure the hubs has plenty of healthy options while I’m gone. The weather was really nice yesterday, so I had the windows open letting in some fresh air and the tunes playing in the background. I love a day at home cooking and listening to music.

My mom came over and we got all caught up while I whipped up a few things in the kitchen. It was kind of fun having her there to chat with while I cooked, knowing that I would be doing the same with my daughter this weekend.

I ended my WW week in a good place. I think I have lost 4 of the 5 pounds that I gained on vacation. Water weight? I’m working the Food Truck today, then home for a quick shower and off to the airport, so no WW meeting today. Yesterday, I had a good breakfast, then I snacked on things throughout the day that I was making for Mike.

My Breakfast was only 3 SmartPoints.

5 Egg Whites topped with salsa.

! C. of frozen blueberries heated up, then I added a sliced banana and 2 tsp of Almond Butter.

IMG_9607 IMG_9620

The rest of my pictures today are what I made for Mike for the next four days, but I feel really good about my WW week.

Here are yesterday’s kitchen escapades. Nothing fancy or new, I was just very busy.

You can click HERE for the full recipe to this casserole over at Paleomg.com.

Cooked Pork Sausage and cooked diced Sweet Potatoes…


Topped with Spinach….


Topped with Eggs and seasonings (the recipe calls for 10 eggs, but it doesn’t seem like enough liquid to me, so I use 12)…


Bake…eat. Or, cut into servings for your spouse. Your spouse will love you.



I made Chicken Salad and Tuna/Egg Salad for his lunches and we have plenty of crunchy veggies, plantains and fruit to go along with those.



I grilled out Chicken Sausages, Beef Burgers and Turkey Burgers for dinners, and we have plenty of fixings for a side salad.



I also grilled some asparagus….



Then I labeled all of it. I am insane. Have I mentioned that I like to go out of town with things at home really organized? I have no idea why, I just do.



There is a tiny speck of chicken (looks like a white dot) on the table from when I took my pictures. He sniffed it out and was trying to figure out how to get to it when I caught him. Stinker. Getting on the dining room chairs is a big No No and he knew he was in trouble. I swear that right after I took this adorable picture, he got in big big trouble! You believe me, right?


Okay guys, have an awesome weekend and I’ll be back to blogging Wednesday!


“love the life you live, live the life you love”


4 thoughts on “Dallas Bound for a Long Weekend

  1. Thanks Pam. It was a very productive and fun weekend!

    You can find the recipe under the recipe tab at the top of my blog, then go to Side Dishes. But here is the link too!

    Hope you like it!

  2. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your beautiful daughter! And when you get back, can you provide recipe for riced cauliflower? Bought some but don’t know how to prepare. Thanks so much – Pam

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