Variety Pack Giveaway!

Who could use a little fun today? You?? I see you.

Although these frigid temps are crazy right now, we have power, cozy socks, a lotta coffee and snacks. Snacks are important!

Kansas City is doing the rotation of forced power outages. We were only without power for about 30 minutes today. Fingers crossed that’s our only outage.

How are you all doing? Hanging in there? Stay strong. Stay safe.

If you do have power and groceries, I thought I’d share a few favorites for a cold cold seriously cold day.


I’ve got some snacks to share with you all!

THREE lucky winners will receive one of these three variety packs!

Variety Pack One

  • Mini Bar 15 Pack Variety Box with Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, Mint Cookie Crunch
  • Mini Bar Triple Decker Chocolate (12 bars)
  • Crunchy Snack 8 Pack Variety Box with (2) Nacho Tortilla Chips, (2) Barbecue Potato Crisps, (2) Salt & Vinegar Potato Crisps, (2) Sea Salt Hummus Crisps

Variety Pack Two

  • Mini Bar 15 Pack Variety Box with Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie, Mint Cookie Crunch
  • NEW! Cheesy Pizza Protein Puffs – 11g Protein
  • Pumpkin Spice Instant Oatmeal (My all-time favorite flavor!)

Variety Pack Three

  • Chocolate Caramel Snack Bar (12)
  • Mint Cookie Crunch Snack Bar (12)
  • Crunchy Snack 8 Pack Variety Box with (2) Nacho Tortilla Chips, (2) Barbecue Potato Crisps, (2) Salt & Vinegar Potato Crisps, (2) Sea Salt Hummus Crisps

How to enter…..

Do these 3 things.

  1. Subscribe to the blog (if you haven’t already) over on the right side of this home page or at the bottom of this page if you’re on your mobile app.
  2. Comment here on the blog and share your favorite all time snack.
  3. Give yourself a big high five for surviving all the crazy.

Winners will be randomly selected from the comments received here on the blog through midnight, Friday, February 19th.

WINNER ANNOUNCED Saturday, February 20th at 8:00 am CT here on the blog.

US residents only please.

A big warm hug to you all!

If you’re someplace really warm right now, I might be a little jealous. Enjoy!

Note: Thank you to WW for providing the items in this giveaway. WW is not affiliated with this giveaway and I am doing it on my own.

“love the life you live, live the life you love”

42 thoughts on “Variety Pack Giveaway!

  1. My favorite quick snack is turkey pepperoni and string cheese. I have plenty of unhealthy snacks as well but I won’t list those.

  2. My favorite snack is plain old popcorn. It lasts a long time and is low in points. If I drink a lot of water when I eat it, I get really filled up!

  3. Banana, peanut butter, tortilla, cinnamon. I mean, what’s NOT to love about all of that?? I have never never ever put my bananas in the fridge. See? You can teach an old dog new tricks.😆😂😄 Thank you!

  4. How did I miss this yesterday? So fun reading all these favorite snacks. I guess my favorite go-to is an Ole Wellness tortilla, spread with 1 serving of PBFit (2T powder to 1T water), and a chilled banana. I sprinkle a little cinnamon and a dash of granulated Stevia, then roll that baby up and BAM! There you go! On the purple plan it’s only 2 SPs and packs a whoppin’ 13 grams of protein, so it stays with me. For a midafternoon snack to keep me on track, it’s perfect. And yes, I always prefer a chilled banana. Don’t let the brown peeling fool you – those lovelies keep in the fridge for 2-3 days and oh so refreshing! You’re welcome.

  5. So, I WILL be jealous later 😂😂 but I hope you enjoyed your trip. 😘 Be safe!

  6. I’d hate a friend to be jealous of me – so checking in to let you know we’ve spent the last week in snow in Washington state visiting our new granddaughter ❤️ But heading home today to the 🌞- hopefully it’ll help dry the “leaving her” tears…. 😢

  7. I’ve never heard of this combo but that sounds really good Shelley! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Susan, I haven’t made those in years! Thank you so much for the reminder.😋😋

  9. My fav is graham cracker one sheet split in half. Then layer sugar free cool whip. Place other half on top. One of these squares is 2pts. I have made them with chocolate and the regular honey grams. Both are good/ like a ice cream sandwich. I make several and keep them in a baggie in the freezer. I look forward to it every night.

  10. Hi there, my favorite all time snack is oyster crackers with dry ranch dressing, dill weed and a few other spices mixed up with oil. I usually make it at Christmas time to have with all the sweet treats.

  11. Jane, that’s a popular one and you are right! It fits into several categories as a must have/healthy snack!

  12. You go girl! Bundle up!! Nestle Toll House anyone?? 😂💕 Love a perfect apple and we have so many varieties! ❤️

  13. We’ve had record lows for the past several days here in Iowa and just today, we inched into the double digits…heat wave! I made a promise to myself that I’d get outside to walk a minimum of 20 minutes per day and so far, I’ve kept to my promise, even in -20 wind chills. If calories, fat and what my thighs would look like, I’d pick warm chocolate chip cookies as my favorite snack. But, I can’t do that to my thighs any longer, so I often opt for a cold, crisp apple. I’m loving Sweet Tango right now!

  14. Pennie! I spelled your name wrong in the first comment! Forgive me.😂 My brain is cold.

  15. Great ideas Cathy. Love me some fruit and I haven’t had turkey pepperoni in forever but it’s so dang good!!

  16. These are great snacks Donna! Honestly, I’d be happy holding a cup of hot water today.🤣

  17. I agree Melissa! These are just like a Girl Scout cookie. Always love a bowl of popcorn!

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