The Piano Wall

Yesterday was just an all around great day. Except for food. My food choices yesterday left little to be desired in nutritional or aesthetic value. I’m still sharing because this daily blogging and accountability thing I’ve got going is feeling good and it’s working both physically and mentally. The Piano Man had to cancel so Mike decided we could move it with some help from our friend Ryan. I don’t think Ryan realized what he was in for when Mike reached out to “move something”. Moving a 500 lb piano on new wood floors is NO JOKE. After a few tips on the phone from the Piano Man, Mike and Ryan lifted one side while I was on the ground pushing a comforter underneath, followed with a caster. Then the other side. With the blanket in place and four casters under the wheels, they slid it into place while I […]

A Fun Project Day

Well, it is by no means finished, but I did get started painting the fireplace last night after a full day accomplishing all sorts of “to do’s”. The first thing on my list yesterday was to buy a turkey. Have you ever bought a Trader Joe’s turkey? They’re all the rage. Fresh, never frozen. Trader Joe’s opens every day at 8 AM and they got their first turkeys in last Friday. Every day they’ve sold out. I was there at 7:55 and brought myself home a turkey. If you’re a Trader Joe’s shopper then you know occasionally at check out you will hear a bell ring. They do that for various reasons. Price check, someone needs help to their car, etc. Yesterday while ringing up my groceries the cashier rang his bell and I heard about 10 employees from around the store make a noise. Did you just gobble, I […]

Feeling a Little Sassy

My walk outside yesterday was gorgeous! That beautiful blue sky? You can’t come home from this walk and not be in a good mood. Ya just can’t. Like….it’s not possible. Fallen leaves and still this thick rich green grass. Along with my “3 Mile Brisk Walk” as the trainer calls it, there is a warm up that includes a few ab exercises and some stretching, followed with a cool down with stretches. Seriously after my walk outside I was feeling all kinds of energy, confidence, spunk and a little sass. Then I was like…..What’s on my shirt? Oh, just a dusty filthy mirror. So, before Thanksgiving, give the house an overall deep cleaning, paint the fireplace, paint the dining room and figure out how to seat 30+. No problem. Yesterday was a crazy busy productive day and still, the fireplace never got touched! I really want to make that happen […]

New Obsession

The leaves have fallen but it’s still Pumpkin Season and whether pumpkin flavored, pumpkin themed or simply pumpkin colored, I’m all in. Believe or not, pumpkin is not the current obsession I speak of. But the real new obsession is going to be this redecorating phase of the living room until it’s done, then the dining area. I can’t think of a better project to work on while the days start to turn cooler and we move into the coziness of the season. Actually, I may just be obsessed with this wall right now. Or just this 5′ section of this wall. Seriously. Can’t move from this view. The sun is changing the vibe by the hour. Pretty sure this is my gift to myself today. This view. My Friend Friday evening was the visitation for my friend and yesterday morning was her funeral. It’s been an emotional few days. […]

It’s a Pumpkin Chair

It’s FriYaY again. The days really do go by quicker the older you get. Yesterday was a pretty packed day! My day started off with a gorgeous walk outside. As I headed out the door I realized my Apple Watch was dead. That split second moment when you think to yourself, does my walk even count? Ah, but onward! I walked with a friend which not only makes the walk more special and more fun, it also goes by fast and hopefully you can count on your friends fitness tracker to see how far you walk! We got in just over 3 miles. I came home to this on the front porch. The rug I ordered online from RugsUSA at 11:30 pm one night has arrived! My daughter Tess ordered her living room rug from there and she’s a very thorough (and thrifty) shopper so I knew I could count […]

WW Personal Points Program

WW Peeps, it’s here! The New WW Personal Points Program! If you’re a WW member, then you’ve likely had a couple of days already playing with the app, maybe been to a Studio or Virtual Workshop and you’re figuring out what is new and different and exciting! If you’re not a member but your curious, stick around and I’ll share a quick recap of the new plan! I shared the new plan at my Workshop last night and I truly am excited for this plan! I was so excited, I left early to get to work to make sure I was completely prepared. We had more members than usual which was fun because you could feel the elevated energy in the room. I ended up leaving my notes at home that I had worked so hard on most of the day. I forgot my rings and name tag, so basically […]

Fallsy Feels….Still

Another week and the leaves will likely all be on the ground and I’ll just be talking about food, the new WW Personal Points (sharing that tomorrow!)…….and the living room. But for now? Trees. Yesterday mid morning, I made a coffee and took a long drive. I know some of you must think I’m crazy with all the tree talk, but I truly do love these few weeks of the leaves changing and the last few days have really brought out some beautiful colors. My gift to myself yesterday was to see as many as I could. There are certain streets I have on my list to visit. You’ve heard of crazy cat lady? I guess I’m loony leaf lady. Wait, I kinda like that title. Freaky fall lady? Anywho….falll trees are crazy, loony, freaky pretty. I swear just barely over a week ago, this tree was still green. This […]

A Sad Day….

I ate my pancakes on the deck while looking at this tree that I swear is changing colors by the hour, did my workout, hung an extremely heavy mirror on the living room wall, spent a little time cooking up a few things in the kitchen, then I just let myself feel the feels. I lost a sweet friend to ALS yesterday. I was supposed to be going to her house for coffee on Friday. I knew our future visits were likely limited, but losing her yesterday felt too soon. It was a hard day filled with sadness thinking about her family. It’s never easy losing someone and I know she’s no longer in pain, but I’m so sad that her family lost her way to soon. I kept myself busy cooking up a few things as we ate out wayyyy too much last week. I grilled some chicken breast […]

A Beautiful Play Day

Such a great Sunday playing with two of the grand kids. They spent the day with us and the weather was perfect for a play day outside. After pancakes and playing Barbies in the basement, we headed to our little neighborhood park. Kids have SOOO much energy!! Kingston spotted the Free Library and now we need to replace the two we took. Then home to play in the leaves in the backyard while Papa Mike attempted to rake at least some of them. I preferred throwing them on Kingston. If you can actually watch this video, I’m having a big ole party over here that I figured out how to share a video on the blog!! It’s in slow-mo, so be patient and wait for that sweet smile at the end. Oh, sorry about the slobber part. This girl. Living her best life. Popcorn and football, chilling. Such a great […]

Productive with a Little Fun

Hi Friends. Happy Sunday to you all. I’ll keep this super short (and I’m sorry, but also very boring) today as I believe we have some grandkids coming over soon and I want to get my walk in! Yesterday morning was a nice 3 mile walk while catching up with Tess on the phone. Her and Manuel will be here in just a few short weeks for Thanksgiving! After spending time with the whole family at the cabin last month, it sure does feel good knowing we will all be together again so soon after such a crazy time of not being able to be together. After my walk I grabbed a shower and headed to Jordan’s baby shower. Grand-baby number 10 is due January 6th and we can hardly wait! After the shower some serious yard work. It was gorgeous outside yesterday and we have another gorgeous one ahead […]